
Thint. you nfivnr kno.wj' d fe.el like an idiot asking one of them,______
huh 1 feel even dumber trying to find out about it while they’re italking- about, it: in cede during lunch breaks! guess I’m a little
..bit out of it,.but I'm very willing to find out what happens.
. these days.Sspecially during the summer.I v/ouldn' t v/ant to talk
about things., that-other people do,because everyone, thinks. I’m implying, that I'la bored.I wouldn't want to do half the things .that most people, do during vacations,but that, leaves, the. other hall o.f things that I would wan t to do .home thing happens about .every month or so that just makes the rest of the. summer until something else hapnens.Ihis summer,!'ve. been writing a lot of stories.Most of them have, been burners,but a few. have, turned out all right.I'm probably the only person alive who. does things, like that during, the summer.I * d like to write a book one. day, but.not for a. while yet.I 'm not nearly old enough to have anything to write about.What I need to do is. listen to and experience. everything that anyone. sais.I got that line from someone, who was on a cable TV shOwi-She was a Writer-Director-Author-■ Composer-.She. was very, interesting,but I'll bet her parents have disowned her by now*It was. a wlerdprogram because by the end of the show,she had one section of the audience, saying Taka-Taka-Taaaa,and another part of the audience was sayingTooka-
. Taklia-Tee.ee. while, the rest of the audience was saying. Tinka*--
Tonka-Tooaoo.It was. one of those shows that, you're compelled to watch,whether you wanted to or not.I can remember staring at the sat buggy eyed until the show was completely off the- air*
If you. weren't there,then you really couldn't see the fascination in this, crazy woman.The closing days of the eighth grade wee. like- that.
The end of the. eighth..grade was. so outragous, that just thinking about it makes me: sweat .When everyone finally, realized that the - end of the year was closing, in,they just went berserk.lt was worse'this year then any other year,because the teacher decided
to quit alter the year was over,so. she didn't care if we burned
il I v 'r -—s ±_b__ r _= • h- - —: ~~ i -~ , - —----
the school down.The day we had to clean out our des&'.s was spent
- Author
- mark thomas